One thing I learned from years of being in the multi-level marketing business is that it is centered on the connections that people make. It is about bringing together people and allowing them to focus on a single goal geared towards success. In order to foster a common mindset for a group of people, it is important to learn how to inspire and influence them.

My experience has taught me that stories motivate people the most. In retrospect, I had zero success and failed a lot when I was just starting out in the industry. But I had my mother’s story or my father’s story.  My mother had a tremendous benefit from this herbal product we sold, and that was my story.  I made her story my story.  I tell it to people all the time “Hey, this is what I did for my Mom; I can’t believe that’s what I did for my mom.

Inspiring people means giving them hope. Learn the value of sharing the good news that your products can help change and even save other people’s lives. You can share the story of how your products had helped you or your loved ones, and that will give your prospects something to think about. It will inspire them to address their problems through your products and ultimately, they will also become a part of the movement where they themselves will inspire others to follow on.

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