Napoleon Hill’s Laws of Success emphasized on finding your chief aim –your main goal; the reason why you are pursuing your business endeavors.

Having a chief aim allows businessmen to keep focused when it comes to dealing with their actions. In a nutshell, it helps one determine what should be and should not be done in order to be successful in business.

Looking back, my chief aim was (and is still) to get a million people to alkalize their body. I knew I have to think big when I first thought about my goal. I also knew I have to expand my business and attract leaders as well as people who are willing to make a change in their lives. I wanted a company that would have an impact on tens of thousands of lives.

I focused on baby boomers in order to achieve this chief goal. I opted to share the good news that getting alkaline helps in improving their health.

In addition, I also targeted the baby boomers’ children because they are the most concerned about their parent’s wellness.

I believe that once we make that shift we’re impacting the health of America.

So that was my chief aim and all my action plans were anchored on that. I hope you find the major goal you want to achieve for your business.

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