Building rapport is a crucial part when you want to do well in multi-level marketing. It allows you to be in sync with your prospective clients in such a way that the feeling of familiarity paves the way for better sales opportunities. After all, it goes without saying that people will only buy from you if they like or trust you.

The easiest way to build rapport is to share stories since these allow you to connect with people at an emotional level. Remember that stories of success and even failure are relatable which makes engaging your prospects easier.

You can also use social proof or testimonials. Direct quotes, comments, and feedback about your products or services allow prospects to see how they have solved other people’s problems which are similar to theirs. It also builds credibility on your part.

Additionally, you can answer your prospects’ questions to build rapport. By giving them the information that they need, you are capturing the other person’s trust. Compile at least some of the commonly asked questions about your company, your products, or your services and come up with engaging answers.

Finally, you can also provide solutions to common problems that are related to the nature of your business. This adds value to your customer service and it also lets your prospects know that you are more than willing to help them out in their problems especially with the help of your products and services.

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